Mercury is retrograding; Alas, electronic devices will break down! A Saturn-Mars square is occurring, wow, wow! Is your sign Gemini? For goodness sake, let's stay away! Uranus has entered the 7th house; you will divorce for sure!

Fears surround us, and everywhere we look, our helplessness is obvious. Everyone is concentrated on the disasters that will happen to them and, like a sacrificial lamb, is waiting for the interpretations made to become true. Indeed, is this thing called astrology of such nature? So, the planets in the sky are scuffling and the consequences are happening to us the helpless ones? Is what is happening to us always their fault? Do we not have any fault in it?

Astrology, which is a field that researches, analyzes, and observes the synchronization of events in the sky and earthly life, is a victim captured in the magazine's net because of the rating it receives today. Unfortunately, when astrology is mentioned, people think of ''rituals'' that will help you get a loved one or find a job, similar to diets that make you lose 15 kilos in 5 days.

When we take a look at the past, we can see that there are some names who were interested in astrology: Aristotle, Kepler, Pythagoras, Ptolemy, Muhyiddin Arabi, Erzurumlu Ibrahim Hakki, and many more. I believe that these valued names who have devoted their lives to this research field have not left the complete work of astrology to today's times by thinking about questions such as ''when will I get married, when will I get a job, will I win the university, will my ex-girlfriend call me, will I be fired?'' Don't you think so too?

Firstly, it should be known that astrology states that there is a synchronization between the sky and earthly life. In the words of Hermes, "Whatever is in the sky, it is also on the earth." If you know the symbolic language of the sky, you can read the earth very easily. That's where astrologers step in. They are normal sky translators with no supernatural powers. That is to say, astrology has nothing to do with mediumship, fortune-telling, or clairvoyance. As such, they only make reading and make predictions through the symbols of the sky. So, their words do not represent your destiny.

If you are entering into an expectation following the word of an astrologer, you are experiencing a phenomenon in psychology named the “expectation effect”, also known as the “self-fulfilling prophecy”. You accept what you have been told as destiny and unconsciously direct to choices that will lead to that promise being fulfilled. Ultimately, when the event does happen to you, you are able to say, "Aaa, whatever she/he said came to be true." Another possibility is that this expectation does not come true and you can say"Aaa, what they said did not come to be true".

You are individuals who have free will. You can take precautions against the chance of something negative happening to you, you can be more cautious; similar to taking an umbrella with you when you are told it would rain. It may not rain or you may not take your umbrella with you despite everything. It's entirely up to you.

When we look at the sky from this perspective, your electronic devices will not break down because Mercury is retrograding; it is because you have misused or not maintained that electronic device in the past days that you will experience the result of this situation when Mercury is retrograding. You do not get divorced because Uranus is passing through your 7th house; divorce happens during Uranus's passing because, up until that point, you have not respected each other's freedom, individuality, and thoughts.

In other words, astrology is not a field where people who do not want to take accountability can clear themselves and find relief in blaming the planets. So, let's get ourselves out of the victim mentality and let go of blaming the planets for outcomes we don't like.