Do men have breast enlargement? If so, I would say it would be helpful for you to read this article. I'd like to inform you about male breast enlargement, also known as gynecomastia.

What is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is the formation of female-type breast enlargement in men. We can divide Gynecomastia into three categories based on this definition:

Real gynecomastia; Breast enlargement as a result of the enlargement of breast tissue, namely the mammary glands.

False gynecomastia; Breast enlargement caused by chest lubrication as a result of weight gain.

Mixed type (mixed); That is, the mixed group, which includes both mammary glands and lubrication.

In our society, the majority of male patients fall into group 3 (mixed type), which means that breast enlargement occurs with both an increase in breast tissue and an increase in lubrication.

What is the incidence of gynecomastia?

The frequency of gynecomastia is observed in almost half of the men.

Again, gynecomastia can be seen naturally in 75% of men as they enter puberty, and 90% of it resolves by the end of puberty.

Today, there is a treatment for this problem, which causes men psychological distress in social situations (sea, pool, beach, gym).

What are the causes of gynecomastia?

If we list the main causes of gynecomastia,

it can be observed without any cause. Hormonal irregularities (thyroid, adrenal gland disorders), alcohol, long-term use of drugs with breast enlargement side effects (some antibiotics, some heart drugs, some cancer drugs), steroid therapy, some internal organ chronic diseases, and tumors (such as cirrhosis, lung and testicular tumors), nutritional disorders, and weight gain are additional causes.

Breast enlargement in men due to weight gain is not a real gynecomastia. However, in the presence of true or false gynecomastia, treatment options can be classified into four categories.

  • Fat removal- vaser liposuction,

    What is Vaser liposuction?

    Vaser is the term we use to describe the process of melting fat with ultrasound energy. Vaser is a device that uses a channel to focus sound waves on fat cells and melt them. You can imagine it just like melting butter in a pan. I remove this melted fat tissue from your breast with Liposuction management during the same surgery.

  • Surgical removal of breast tissue

  • Performing liposuction and surgery at the same time

  • Breast shaping procedure in advanced cases

Vaser Liposuction is a good and effective treatment option for mild to moderate gynecomastia.

If necessary, breast tissue can be removed during this procedure via a half-moon incision from the nipple.

Skin and breast tissue shaping procedures may be required in advanced cases.

Let's imagine a patient and talk about the procedure and process.

Our patient is in his forties , and despite the fact that he participates in sports, he should present with a complaint of chest and breast prominence. We discovered that my patient had mixed type gynecomastia (mostly this group is present) during my detailed examination, so let's plan an operation to remove the breast tissue via a half-moon incision from the vaser lipomaterial head.

How is the post-operative process?

Gynecomastia surgery takes about 60-90 minutes and is performed under general anesthesia. The procedure begins with vaser lipo with 3 mm cannulas around the breast to remove stubborn fats that have settled in the breast tissue, and then the breast tissue is removed with a 1 cm half-moon incision made from the nipple. We dress a special type of corset at the end of the operation, which you will wear for 3-4 weeks. We take you to your room after the procedure and keep you in the hospital for one night.

Will it remain scars?

The most intriguing question is whether the gynecomastia surgery will leave a scar. It is one of the procedures that can be called almost scarless in patients with mild to moderate gynecomastia (the majority of patients), and the traces of the 3 mm vaser cannula disappear over time.

In patients with severe-to-severe gynecomastia, removing only fat from the breast does not recover the sagging breast, and the sagging breast tissue is recovered with additional incisions, but these incisions are painful.

It is planned in our natural folds (at the nipple), in special transition areas, and it gradually fades away, making it difficult to notice.

What happens after the surgery?

We will keep you in the hospital for one night following the operation. You may experience some mild swelling and edema. You will lie on your back. You may feel your corset tightening in the first few days due to edema; however, by the third day, your edema will have decreased and your corset will have loosened. Of course, you return to your social life by paying attention from the first week.

How long does the operation efficiency last?

You can use the effectiveness of this process for years. However, it is important to remember that as we age, there may be minor loosenings, particularly due to weight gain and loss. Furthermore, if you gain and lose weight quickly and intensely, the outcome of the surgery may be harmed.

Combined Treatment

I can perform this procedure alone or as part of a body contouring procedure.

Let's meet here again next week to discuss the most intriguing aspects of aesthetics...